Podcast: Should We Unleash GMO Mosquitoes?
December 16, 2024 | On the Entanglements podcast, hosts Brooke Borel and Anna Rothschild talk to Omar Akbari, a molecular biologist, and Jennifer Kuzma, a social scientist, about altering insect genes....Continue reading "Podcast: Should We Unleash GMO Mosquitoes?"
Excited about biotech & ethics? Apply for the GES Minor Fellowship!
Exciting news for NC State graduate students! Applications for the 2024-2025 Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) minor fellowship are now open. Here's your chance to delve into the societal, technological, and ecological issues surrounding the development and potential use of genetically engineered organisms....Continue reading "Excited about biotech & ethics? Apply for the GES Minor Fellowship!"
NC State Brings Expertise, Interdisciplinarity to Galapagos Consortium
Deborah Strange, July 29, 2022 | In joining the International Galapagos Science Consortium, NC State bolsters its current research and service on the archipelago....Continue reading "NC State Brings Expertise, Interdisciplinarity to Galapagos Consortium"
¿Será la edición génica una alternativa de corto plazo para hacer frente a la subida de precios de alimentos?
Gonzalo Muñoz y Mike Jones, March 29, 2022 | La edición génica es la metodología más reciente y por lo tanto es necesario crear nuevos marcos regulatorios, patentes y licenciamientos....Seed Funding Speeds Growth for TreeCo — an NC State Startup
March 16, 2022 | Just shy of three years ago, Jack Wang and Rodolphe Barrangou — two NC State professors — received support from the Chancellor’s Innovation Fund, a competitive internal seed funding program. Now, their startup TreeCo is thriving....Continue reading "Seed Funding Speeds Growth for TreeCo — an NC State Startup"
NC State receives USDA/NIFA grant to evaluate societal impacts and foster sustainability of GE and nanotech in agriculture
February 10, 2022 | Khara Grieger, together with GES Co-director Jennifer Kuzma, will lead a $650,000 project that will support the responsible development of novel agrifood technologies to contribute to more sustainable food and ag systems. ...Two Professors Named 2021 AAAS Fellows
Delborne and Watzin are recognized for their “scientifically and socially distinguished achievements.”...Khara Grieger to Co-lead Knowledge Transfer Efforts for New $25 million Phosphorus Research Center
October 8, 2021 | Khara Grieger will co-lead Knowledge Transfer efforts between researchers and stakeholders for NC State’s new $25 million NSF STEPS Center....What to Know About GMOs
NC State biotech policy expert Jennifer Kuzma answers top questions about genetically modified organisms....A Sterile Solution: How Crispr Could Protect Wild Salmon
Gene-editing technology may prevent escaped farmed salmon from interbreeding with their wild counterparts....Continue reading "A Sterile Solution: How Crispr Could Protect Wild Salmon"
Cultural Beliefs and Stakeholder Affiliation Influence Attitudes Towards Responsible Research and Innovation | Frontiers in Political Science
Jennifer Kuzma, June 24, 2021 | Biotech developers are concerned about the future of gene editing having experienced the contentious history of first-generation GM foods. They have also expressed desires to do better with public engagement in gene-editing innovation. The framework of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) may provide a way forward to act on their desires for greater public legitimacy....A Focus on “Intended Consequences” to Drive Conservation Action | Conservation Science and Practice
Press Release, April 15, 2021 | A newly published special issue of Conservation Science and Practice makes the case for rebalancing the risk–benefit equation in conservation....First GMO Mosquitoes to Be Released In the Florida Keys | Undark
The EPA approved Oxitec's mosquitoes for release this spring. Some scientists and locals want to halt the deployment....Continue reading "First GMO Mosquitoes to Be Released In the Florida Keys | Undark"
Invasive Flies Prefer Untouched Territory When Laying Eggs
Hannah Burrack and Matt Shipman, Feb. 15, 2021 | The finding raises questions about how the flies can tell whether a piece of fruit is virgin territory – and what that might mean for pest control....Continue reading "Invasive Flies Prefer Untouched Territory When Laying Eggs"
PSI Profile: Ross Sozzani, Platform Director for Plant Improvement
D'Lyn Ford, Feb. 9, 2021 | The plant improvement platform director for the North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative shares her vision: collaboration, innovative crop technologies and students ready for the workforce....Continue reading "PSI Profile: Ross Sozzani, Platform Director for Plant Improvement"