
Genetic Engineering and Society Interdisciplinary Minor

The interdisciplinary minor in Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) examines the technological, societal and ecological issues surrounding the development and potential use of genetically engineered organisms. Participants in the minor will learn the basic concepts and principles underlying genetic engineering and the methods used for evaluating the technology’s social, cultural and environmental dimensions. The graduate minor is available to students pursuing either an MS or a Ph.D. degree.

Fellowships are open to Masters and PhD students in the Humanities, Natural and Social Sciences, and include one semester of:

  • Tuition and Fees, and a
  • Generous Stipend ($17K)

GES Graduate Minor Fellowship - Click here to apply by 3/17 for the fall 2025 cohort at go.ncsu.edu/ges-minor


March 17: Preferred deadline to apply for the GES Minor Fellowship for the 2025-26 academic year.

GES Minor Application Form

Watch Zoom Q&A

Click here to watch the recording of the Zoom Q&A from 3/4/25 with Katie Barnhill


To complete the GES Minor, students must fulfill 12 credit hours of interdisciplinary coursework with a strong emphasis on the intersection of science and society, including at least two semesters of GES Colloquium. Each course applied toward the minor must be completed with a grade of B or higher. Course selection should reflect the minor’s interdisciplinary focus, ensuring students gain a solid understanding of genetic engineering concepts while learning methods to assess the technology’s social, cultural, and environmental implications.

Students are also required to have a GES faculty member on their committee. The minor representative will confirm that the chosen courses appropriately complement the student’s major and align with the program’s broader objectives.

GES Minor Co-Directors and Faculty

Katie Barnhill

Photo of Katie Barnhill
Associate Director of Programs & Engagement; GES Center Executive Committee Member, GES Minor Co-Director

See: full profile and contact information >

Zack Brown

Photo of Zack Brown
Associate Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics; GES Center Executive Committee Member, GES Minor Co-Director

See: full profile and contact information >


Click here for a full list of GES Minor faculty

Contact Us

Photo of Katie Barnhill

Katie Barnhill

GES Minor Co-Director, Colloquium Co-Instructor; GES Executive Committee

Please contact Dr. Katie Barnhill if you have any questions at skbarnhi@ncsu.edu.