Come join us for a team-based competition to develop pitches for biotechnology innovations that are socially responsible. Participants each receive a $30 Amazon gift card, Free Lunch & a chance to win a Wolfpack sweatshirt.
REGISTER ON EVENTBRITEUndergraduate and graduate students will be placed into interdisciplinary teams based on the what kinds of innovation interests them. Each team will have a coach trained in interdisciplinary innovation and together, teams will develop pitches for a hypothetical technology that will solve a real-world global problem. A panel of judges will throw in a variety of challenges to ensure that the innovations are meeting sustainable and socially responsible criteria. Teams will have the opportunity to make improvements or changes to their pitch and in the end, the panel of judges will present awards in different categories.
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Program sponsored and organized by The Golden LEAF Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center (BTEC), the NC State Biotechnology Program (BIT), and the Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center as part of the BioMADE “Educating the Current and Future Bioindustrial Workforce: Molecular Biology, Bioprocessing Fundamentals, and Responsible Innovation” grant.