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July 22, 2024 | Patti Mulligan

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GES Colloquium

We are excited to announce the Fall 2024 schedule for the Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Colloquium at NC State! This semester, we are featuring an exceptional lineup of national and international speakers via Zoom roughly every other week, and local experts presenting in person.

Join the GES Colloquium seminar series and connect with a global network of scholars, industry professionals, and policymakers. This semester, we’re exploring topics like the impact of genetically modified crops in Ghana, ethical approaches to using engineered bacteria for environmental cleanup, and policy considerations for gene drive pest control. Whether you’re interested in the intersection of art and responsible research or insights from an environmental ethicist, there’s something here for you.

You don’t need to be part of NC State to join the GES community—everyone’s welcome to join us on Zoom and be part of the conversation shaping the futures of biotechnology and society.

GES Colloquium is jointly taught by Drs. Dawn Rodriguez-Ward and Katie Barnhill, who you may contact with any class-specific questions.

Colloquium meets weekly on Tuesdays from 12-1 pm ET via Zoom and in-person roughly every other week in the 1911 Building, room 129.

Please subscribe to the GES newsletter and LinkedIn for updates.



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