4/2/19 - Danesha Carley - NC State CERSA
3/26/19 - Anna Whitfield - Biotech control strategies for vector-borne viruses
3/19/19 - Teshanee Williams - Using Stories to Examine Influence in Decision Making
3/5/19 - Aditi Mankad - Social Science and SynBio [Part 1]
Part 1 of 2
3/5/19 - Aditi Mankad - Social Science and SynBio [Part 2]
2/26/19 - Khara Grieger - Climate Change and Risk Governance of Geoengineering
2/19/19 - Jason Delborne - NASEM Forest Biotech Study
2/12/19 - Natalie Kofler - Editing Nature
2/5/19 - Jennifer Kuzma - Regulating Gene-Edited Crops
1/22/19 - Ramon Leon - Weeds and Herbicide Resistant Crops
1/15/19 - Qian Xu - GMOs and Chinese Social Media
12/4/18 - Helena Feder - Frankenstein at 200: Science and the novel
11/6/18 - Stephen Briggs - Plant Sciences Initiative
10/30/18 - Kelly Nelson - Biofuels Policy and Innovation Spillovers
10/9 - [Part 1] FAKE NEWS! Zika and GMOs on Social Media
10/9 - [Part 2] FAKE NEWS! Zika and GMOs on Social Media
10/2/18 -[Part 1] Misinformation regarding Zika and GMOs on Social Media
10/2/18 -[Part 2] Misinformation regarding Zika and GMOs on Social Media
9/25/18 - From GMOs to Big Data: The curious disappearance of food politics
9/11/18 - Community Engagement in Field Trials of GM Mosquitoes
9/4/18 - Can CRISPR Displace Pesticides? Paul Vincelli, UK
8/24/18 - GES Colloquium: Fall Intro
Calendar Archive
All colloquia are live-streamed and open to the public, unless specifically noted.
David Resnik – ‘Community engagement in field trials of genetically modified mosquitoes’
Justin Biddle – “Antiscience Zealotry?” Values, Epistemic Risk, and the GMO Debate
Kelly Bronson – ‘From GMOs to big data: the curious disappearance of food politics’
Christopher Cummings – ‘Vaccine Attitudes and Misperceptions’
Allan Hruska – Fall Armyworm: Towards Sustainable Management by Smallholders in Africa
Kelly Nelson – Biofuels Policy and Innovation Spillovers: Evidence from Patent Indicators
Plant Sciences Initiative: Accelerating Discovery and Innovation
Darby Orcutt – Scholarly Identity for an Interdisciplinary and Engaged Career
Michael Lanier – ‘Impact of GM Crops on Small-Scale Farmers’
GES Colloquium | Qian Xu – User Engagement in Public Discourse on GMOs
GES Colloquium | Ramon Leon – Weeds and Herbicide Resistant Crops: When Optimism Backfires
GES Colloquium | Jennifer Kuzma – Regulating Gene-Edited Crops
GES Colloquium | Natalie Kofler – Editing Nature: Governance hurdles and ethical holes
GES Colloquium | Jason Delborne: The Potential for Biotechnology to Address Forest Health
GES Colloquium | Aditi Mankad – Social Science and Synthetic Biology: Maximising Impact
See all GES Center events
GES Colloquium meets weekly on Tuesdays at 12pm in the 1911 Building, Room 129. All are welcome to attend, but those wishing to receive 1 credit for attending should register for GES 591-002.
Videos and/or slides from Colloquium will be posted here weekly. We encourage you to sign up for the GES Updates newsletter to get regular colloquium announcements!
We welcome scholars and experts at all career stages, with a range of opinions, perspectives, and disciplines. Consider signing up to practice an important conference talk, share a piece of your thesis research, or introduce yourself to the GES Community. We also welcome nominations for speakers from campus or beyond.
Please contact Jason Delborne, GES Colloquium Coordinator, with any questions, concerns, or suggestions at jadelbor@ncsu.edu.
Speakers are asked to complete this form at least three weeks in advance of their scheduled talk.
Follow us at @GESCenterNCSU