New Class Covers Regulatory Affairs for Biotech, Crop Protection
To introduce students to the complex world of state, national and international regulations governing agricultural biotechnology, pesticides and biological products, NC State offered a one-of-a-kind course this fall....Continue reading "New Class Covers Regulatory Affairs for Biotech, Crop Protection"

NC State’s Barrangou Receives Canada Gairdner International Award
Dr. Rodolphe Barrangou received the prestigious Canada Gairdner International Award in an Oct. 27 ceremony in Toronto....Continue reading "NC State’s Barrangou Receives Canada Gairdner International Award"

It’s a Boy: Modified Male Flies Could More Efficiently Control Screwworm Population
Suppressing populations of devastating pests may be easier with the release of genetically modified males....
Let’s Subtract Zika
Math professor Alun Lloyd is combining math and biology to investigate the spread of infectious diseases like Zika and find ways to stamp them out....Engineering a New Mosquito
The field of genetic engineering offers an array of approaches to eliminating human diseases spread by mosquitoes. NC State Univeristy Ph.D. student Sophia Webster is conducting research on one viable solution to the problem....
How to Limit Mosquito Exposure
As we head into prime mosquito season in North Carolina, NC State University Ph.D. student Sophia Webster outlines ways you can limit your exposure by eliminating standing water or using insect sprays....
The Fly Whisperer
Pioneering geneticist Trudy Mackay’s work with fruit flies is influencing scientists around the world and leading to important discoveries....
Resistance Remedies
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences researchers John Cavanagh and Rodolphe Barrangou are among the NC State scientists working on different approaches to fighting antibiotic-resistant bacteria....
Personality Changes Can Affect Fish Body Shape, Locomotion
A new NC State study shows that personality can be linked to other seemingly unrelated traits in animals like fish....Continue reading "Personality Changes Can Affect Fish Body Shape, Locomotion"

Gould discusses genetically engineered crops
As the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine release the report “Genetically Engineered Crops: Experience and Prospects,” the chair of the authoring committee says that NC State University can become a model for conducting advanced, trusted research in GE crop development....Continue reading "Gould discusses genetically engineered crops"

Assessing the Positive and Negative Claims About Genetically Engineered Crops
Genetically engineered crops stir strong feelings from both critics and supporters. We talk to the researcher who chaired the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine committee that just released a report, “Genetically Engineered Crops: Experience and Prospects,” which examines the evidence behind positive and negative claims about GE crops, and the research challenges that lie ahead....Continue reading "Assessing the Positive and Negative Claims About Genetically Engineered Crops"

Honoring Outstanding Faculty
NC State recognized 33 outstanding faculty members at the 2016 Celebration of Faculty Excellence on May 3. The annual event honors faculty who have won prestigious state, national and international awards and accolades throughout the academic year....
Spellings Wowed by NC State Visit
New UNC President Margaret Spellings spent Wednesday touring NC State’s campus with Chancellor Randy Woodson. While here, she met with students, faculty, staff and industry leaders with ties to Centennial Campus....
New Tools Allow Rapid ID of CRISPR-Cas System PAMs
CRISPR-Cas systems are widely heralded as a new generation of genetic tools. But development of these tools requires researchers to identify the protospacer-adjacent motifs (PAMs) that unlock each system’s functionality. A new set of techniques expedites PAM identification — and early testing finds that many CRISPR-Cas systems actually have multiple PAMs of varying strength....Continue reading "New Tools Allow Rapid ID of CRISPR-Cas System PAMs"

NC State’s Barrangou Wins Canada Gairdner Award
Rodolphe Barrangou wins prestigious Gairdner Award for pioneering the gene-editing system known as CRISPR....Continue reading "NC State’s Barrangou Wins Canada Gairdner Award"