MoBE Workshop | May 15-16, 2024
About MoBE Workshop on the Societal and Ethical Implications of Microbiome Engineering in Built Environments May 15–16, 2024, Talley Student Union, Room 3222, NC State University | NSF-PreMiEr Workshop...
MoBE – Workshop on the Societal and Ethical Implications of Microbiome Engineering in Built Environments
This workshop is hosted by the GES Center at NC State and funded by the NSF Precision Microbiome Engineering (PreMiEr) research grant. Wednesday, May 15: Speakers to discuss the State of MoBE Science and Engineering; Social Equity; Bioethics; Risk Governance; Public Perception and Community Engagement; and Integration of SEI with Science and Engineering of the Microbiome [with public livestream] | Thursday, May 16: Presentation of case studies and deliberative discussions...
Dolphin Tank: Team-based innovation competition to win prizes!
Come join us for a team-based competition to develop pitches for biotechnology innovations that are socially responsible. Participants each receive a $30 Amazon gift card, Free Lunch & a chance to win a Wolfpack sweatshirt....Continue reading "Dolphin Tank: Team-based innovation competition to win prizes!"

Experts from 14 Nations Discuss Global Gene Drive Project Registry
By Yadira Galindo | UC San Diego Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science led 70 participants from 14 nations, including several GES Center faculty, in a discussion on the ways in which a gene drive project registry could both contribute to and detract from the fair development, testing and use of gene-drive modified organisms...Continue reading "Experts from 14 Nations Discuss Global Gene Drive Project Registry"

PreMiEr: Societal and Ethical Implications
PreMiEr...Continue reading "PreMiEr: Societal and Ethical Implications"

NC State part of $26 million grant to study microbiomes
Heidi Reid, September 7, 2022 | NC State is taking part in the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center for Precision Microbiome Engineering (PreMiEr) to research genetically engineered microbiomes. ...Continue reading "NC State part of $26 million grant to study microbiomes"

Exploring the Social, Ethical Sides of Microbiome Engineering
Nash Dunn, September 7, 2022 | At NSF center, NC State to Lead Research on Societal and Ethical Implications of Emerging Technologies...Continue reading "Exploring the Social, Ethical Sides of Microbiome Engineering"

NC State to Research Implications of Engineered Microbiomes with New NSF Center Grant
Deborah Strange, August 10, 2022 | NC State University is part of a five-year, $26 million National Science Foundation center researching microbiome engineering....
MBTP-GES Exploring Case Studies Workshop
With the coaching of core faculty from the Genetic Engineering and Society Center, groups of MBTP faculty mentors and trainees will focus on three specific controversies in biotechnology. Lunch provided from Neomonde....
NC State receives USDA/NIFA grant to evaluate societal impacts and foster sustainability of GE and nanotech in agriculture
February 10, 2022 | Khara Grieger, together with GES Co-director Jennifer Kuzma, will lead a $650,000 project that will support the responsible development of novel agrifood technologies to contribute to more sustainable food and ag systems. ...
MBTP Faculty Mentors
Project Overview NC State’s Molecular Biotechnology Training Program (MBTP) is a campus-wide graduate level training network that is designed to: 1) Ensure technical proficiency and training in responsible and rigorous science; 2) Provide an educational...
Interdisciplinary Synergies and Discomforts | MBTP Faculty Mentors
Fred Gould and Nora Haenn | In this workshop, we will explore the synergies and discomforts of interdisicplinarity across the natural and social sciences....Continue reading "Interdisciplinary Synergies and Discomforts | MBTP Faculty Mentors"

Centering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | MBTP Faculty Mentors
Martha Burford Reiskind and Joseph L. Graves | What do diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) mean in the context of mentoring? How do we address and acknowledge our own unconscious biases even as we lead our labs toward DEI practices? In this workshop we will move beyond awareness training to consider how faculty can model and facilitate behavior that promotes DEI....Continue reading "Centering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | MBTP Faculty Mentors"

Science and the Media | MBTP Faculty Mentors
Katie Mack and Matt Shipman | In this workshop, we will work on our media skills and consider how best to mentor our students to succeed in this aspect of science communication....Continue reading "Science and the Media | MBTP Faculty Mentors"

Science Communication with Jean Goodwin and Rob Dunn | MBTP Faculty Mentors
What is good science communication? How do we talk about our research program and our findings with different kinds of people? How can listening to stakeholders and relevant communities inform and improve our science?...Continue reading "Science Communication with Jean Goodwin and Rob Dunn | MBTP Faculty Mentors"