2012 Cohort Focus
Mosquitoes & Human Health The Problem Mosquitoes are vectors of several important human diseases, including malaria and dengue fever. Our first student cohort concentrated on the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, that transmits dengue to over 100...
Symposium: Integrated Expertise
Forging Integrated Expertise in Graduate Education June 4 – 5, 2018 | Raleigh, North Carolina Keynote Speakers | Laura Regassa | Terri Lomax We live in an interconnected world, with complex problems, emerging technologies, and...
Student spotlight: Sophia Webster wins 1st place at Graduate Student Research Symposium
Kudos to Sophia Webster, a GES PhD candidate in Entomology and Plant Pathology, for winning first place at Graduate Student Research Symposium! Sophia is part of the 2012 IGERT cohort whose focus is mosquitoes and human health. The first IGERT course took place in Lima and Iquitos, Peru where the cohort attended tropical medicine symposiums, visited health clinics and several farms to speak with farmers. The cohort also shadowed NAMRU workers door to door in in Iquitos as the workers completed their household mosquito checks and surveys. Additionally, the cohort conducted household experiments on the density dependent effects of mosquito larvae in household containers....
WIRED: Process of Elimination
A deep dive into the inception of the Genetic Biocontrol of Invasive Rodents (GBIRd) program, this article in WIRED details how Karl Campbell of Island Conservation came across GES Co-Director Fred Gould's research suggesting that the genetic engineering techniques being used to manage insect populations could also be applied to other species, like rodents. And then, what happened when CRISPR came along....Student Directory
Jennifer Baltzegar Ph.D. Candidate | Genetics | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 2014 IGERT Cohort | Agricultural Pests 1549 Thomas Hall | Email: jfbaltze@ncsu.edu What IGERT means to me: “A well-rounded and inclusive approach to...
Gene Drives and Responsible Innovation
It is not often that a new technology is at once hailed as a potential solution to pandemic disease, wildlife conservation and hunger, while also being feared as a potential military and environmental “bioweapon.” Gene drives,...
Funders respond to NASEM Gene Drive study
Funders of the National Academy of Sciences consensus study Gene Drives on the Horizon (2016) have published a response to the report in the December 2017 issue of Science. The study summarized "current understanding of the scientific discoveries related to gene drives and their accompanying ethical, legal, and social implications," and was co-authored by Dr. Jason Delborne, associate professor of science, policy and society in the College of Natural Resources and executive committee member of the GES Center....Continue reading "Funders respond to NASEM Gene Drive study"

Scientist to the Senators: Ph.D. Student Johanna Elsensohn
Written by Chelsea Kellner This article originally appeared on CALS News Ph.D. student Johanna Elsensohn understands the importance of intersecting science with policy: During the international Zika virus crisis, she worked with policymakers on one...Continue reading "Scientist to the Senators: Ph.D. Student Johanna Elsensohn"

2012-13 Colloquia
Join the Conversation! Colloquium is held Tuesdays at 12pm in the 1911 Building, room 129. Contact Jason Delborne at jadelbor@ncsu.edu for more information....
2013-14 Colloquia
Join the Conversation! Colloquium is held Tuesdays at 12pm in the 1911 Building, room 129. Contact Jason Delborne at jadelbor@ncsu.edu for more information....
2014-15 Colloquia
Join the Conversation! Colloquium is held Tuesdays at 12pm in the 1911 Building, room 129. Contact Jason Delborne at jadelbor@ncsu.edu for more information....
2015-16 Colloquia
Join the Conversation! Colloquium is held Tuesdays at 12pm in the 1911 Building, room 129. Contact Jason Delborne at jadelbor@ncsu.edu for more information....
2016-17 Colloquia
Join the Conversation! Colloquium is held Tuesdays at 12pm in the 1911 Building, room 129. Contact Jason Delborne at jadelbor@ncsu.edu for more information....
Student Spotlight: Mike Jones and the Economics of Cutting-Edge Ag Technology
The academic journey of Ph.D. student Mike Jones spans Peruvian potato fields and the irrigated deserts of Syria to NC State’s campus, where he investigates the impacts and public perception of cutting-edge agricultural technology....Continue reading "Student Spotlight: Mike Jones and the Economics of Cutting-Edge Ag Technology"

IGERT Student Jennifer Baltzegar wins Entomology poster contest
Jennifer Baltzegar, a PhD Candidate in the Genetics Program, won first place in a research poster competition last week at the Entomological Society of America’s 2017 Annual Meeting. Jen is an NSF IGERT Fellow in Genetic...Continue reading "IGERT Student Jennifer Baltzegar wins Entomology poster contest"