3/29 GES Colloquium Cancelled
Statement regarding cancellation of the upcoming Colloquium on March 29, Panel: Narratives and Storytelling in the Public Communication of Science and Technology
Statement regarding cancellation of the upcoming Colloquium on March 29, Panel: Narratives and Storytelling in the Public Communication of Science and Technology
A 21st century guide to communicating science on emotional and contentious topics
Go behind the scenes of science and celebrity with Dr. Elizabeth Jones, NC State History alumna and author of Ancient DNA: The Making of a Celebrity Science.
In this workshop, we will explore the framework of "responsible research and innovation," which offers a lens for thinking about the social and political context of science and the practices that can promote responsibility.
Factors influencing the adoption of GE crops in Africa, and Dr. Wambugu's pioneering work on GE sweetpotato and with the Africa Biofortified Sorghum (ABS) project.
An interdisciplinary agenda to studying the impacts of bioengineered crops for climate change mitigation
With the coaching of core faculty from the Genetic Engineering and Society Center, groups of MBTP faculty mentors and trainees will focus on three specific controversies in biotechnology. Lunch provided from Neomonde.
End of semester gathering for all AgBioFEWS Cohorts at the Agroecology Education Farm, with AEF Farm Manager Alison Reeves. Arrive by 3 PM for a tour of the farm. Food and beverages provided.
This workshop is hosted by the Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center at NC State and funded by the US Department of Agriculture (Grant No 2020-33522-32269), under the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grant program.
This workshop is hosted by the Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center at NC State and funded by the US Department of Agriculture (Grant No 2020-33522-32269), under the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grant program.
This workshop is hosted by the Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center at NC State and funded by the US Department of Agriculture (Grant No 2020-33522-32269), under the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grant program.
The Genetic Engineering and Society Colloquium is a seminar series that brings in speakers to present and stimulate discussion on a variety of topics related to existing and proposed biotechnologies and their place within broader societal changes.