Blog: COVID-19 Reveals the Personal Side of Globalization – GM Researchers Should Take Note

May 20, 2020 | Nora Haenn

Nora Haenn, 5/20/2020 | COVID-19 has shown us, there’s an important consequence for the way globalization is both local at all points and persistently invisible in its entirety....

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Blog: Yes, and…

April 22, 2020 | Guest Author

Royden Saah and Eli Hornstein, 4/22/2020 | To counter the COVID-19 pandemic, YES we can be responsible AND take urgent, unfamiliar action....

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Image of a healthcare worker behind a decision-tree of Coronavirus-related icons

COVID-19—Biotechnology Is Never Enough

April 3, 2020 | Jennifer Kuzma

The currently-unfolding COVID-19 case boldly underscores the reality that science and technology are never enough to solve global health problems alone. Rather, we need a strategic and systematic integration of social sciences, risk sciences, and communication along with science, technology, and innovation to adequately meet the challenges of emerging global risks, such as COVID-19. ...

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