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Bespoke Conversation on Corn and Culture

NC Museum of Art 2110 Blue Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Part of the Art's Work/Genetic Futures multi-site exhibit, join NC State ethnobotanist Jillian De Gezelle at the corn maze in the Museum Park for a conversation about identity and community and the food on our tables.

Free, tickets required

Symposium – Art’s Work the Age of Biotechnology: Shaping Our Genetic Futures

Erdahl-Cloyd 2304 Auditorium, D.H. Hill Library 2 W Broughton Dr, Raleigh, NC, United States

The GES Center, NC State University Libraries, and Gregg Museum of Art & Design will host a symposium to discuss the Art’s Work in the Age of Biotechnology exhibition. The symposium will bring together artists, humanists, and social/natural scientists, using the exhibition as a departure point for conversations about the future of biotechnology and genetics.


Lyubov Kurkalova – North Carolina crop rotations and cropland use intensity | GES Colloquium

Poe 202 (North Campus) 2310 Katharine Stinson Dr., Raleigh, NC, United States

North Carolina is one of the most physio-geographically diverse states in the southern U.S, resulting in the majority of the state’s crop production the eastern Coastal Plains. We analyze the dynamics of cropland use intensity here, and are developing tools to improve the precision of environmental assessments of crop production in NC.