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Greg Jaffe – Genetically Engineered Foods and their Regulation: The Way Forward after 20 Years of Adoption

Greg Jaffe, Biotechnology Director, Center for Science in thePublic Interest, will be discussing Genetically Engineered Foods and their Regulation: the Way Forward after Twenty Years of Adoption. He will also discuss the new GMO disclosure...

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GES Colloquium – Rene Valdez: Perceptions of De-extinction Among Experts and in the News Media

De-extinction is the re-creation of extinct species using methods from synthetic biology, cloning, genetic engineering, reproduction technologies, and stem cell research. Researchers around the world are investigating the possibility of reviving species, including the woolly...

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GES Colloquium – Eli Hornstein: Genetically engineering a multi-organism relationship

Title: Genetically engineering a multi-organism relationshipPresenter: Eli Hornstein, Provost Doctoral Fellow, Systems and SyntheticBiology, Dept. of Plant and Microbial BiologyAbstract: Biotechnology has great potential as a tool to address pressing issues beyond the agricultural applications...

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Public Lecture: Sarah Evanega – Hunger & Hypocrisy: A Climate for (GMO) Change

Stephens Room - 3503 Thomas Hall, NC State, Raleigh, NCMap: Davidson Evanega, PhDDirector, Cornell Alliance for Science - Associate Director, International Programs CALS, Cornell University Hunger & Hypocrisy: A Climate for GMO ChangeThe...

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GES Colloquium – Sarah Evanega – Empowering Champions, Embracing Advocacy: The Cornell Alliance for Science

Sarah Davidson Evanega, PhDDirector, Cornell Alliance for Science - Associate Director, International Programs CALS, Cornell University Solutions to hunger, poverty, and sustainable agricultural growth are often inaccessible to Less Developed Countries (LDCs), where they...

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GES Colloquium [1911 Bldg, Room 129]

GES Colloquium Information:  Contact Jason Delborne with questions at FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180418T035959Z;BYDAY=TU"

GES Discussion Section [2321 Gardner Hall]

GES Colloquium Information:  Contact Jason Delborne with questions at FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180420T035959Z;BYDAY=TH"

GES Colloquium [1911 Bldg, Room 129]

GES Colloquium Information:  1/16/18 - Mike Jones