Sustainable Agri-Food Technology Summit (SAFTS)
About SAFTS May 21, 2024, NC State Plant Sciences Building | USDA-NIFA Funded Workshop Registration coming soon Register now to be part of SAFTS—shaping a sustainable future for agri-food technology. Participant Resources Access to resource...Continue reading "Sustainable Agri-Food Technology Summit (SAFTS)"

Apply to the GES Minor Fellowship
Please complete this application in its entirety and remember to click ‘Submit Application’ at the end. If you need any assistance, please contact us at gesocietycenter@ncsu.edu or (919) 515-2596. ...
Gene Drives in Agriculture: Risk Assessment and Research Prioritization (USDA-NIFA Workshop)
This workshop is hosted by the Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center at NC State and funded by the US Department of Agriculture (Grant No 2020-33522-32269), under the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grant program....
Gene Drives in Agriculture: Risk Assessment and Research Prioritization (USDA-NIFA Workshop)
This workshop is hosted by the Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center at NC State and funded by the US Department of Agriculture (Grant No 2020-33522-32269), under the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grant program....
Gene Drives in Agriculture: Risk Assessment and Research Prioritization (USDA-NIFA Workshop)
This workshop is hosted by the Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center at NC State and funded by the US Department of Agriculture (Grant No 2020-33522-32269), under the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grant program....
CRISPRcon 2020 – Equity, Environment, and Agriculture
CRISPRcon is a unique forum bringing diverse voices together to discuss the future of CRISPR and related gene editing technologies across applications in agriculture, health, conservation, and more. GES Center led webinars on Equity in Environment and Agriculture will be held on October 13 and 15. ...Continue reading "CRISPRcon 2020 – Equity, Environment, and Agriculture"

Sir Charles Godfray – Open Discussion | GES Colloquium
Discussion with students reflecting on Professor Godfray's 1/13 keynote address. No livestreaming. ...Continue reading "Sir Charles Godfray – Open Discussion | GES Colloquium"

Kate Creasey Krainer, Grow More Foundation | GES Colloquium
Grow More Foundation is an NGO comprised of internationally-recognized scientists enabling science to solve global agricultural problems by bridging developed world resources with developing world orphan crop staples....Continue reading "Kate Creasey Krainer, Grow More Foundation | GES Colloquium"

Cami Ryan on being a social scientist in the Ag industry | GES Colloquium
Cami Ryan joins us from Bayer CropScience and explores the challenges of food, technology, and societies through the lens of a “boundary spanning” personal narrative: a social scientist working in the ag industry....Continue reading "Cami Ryan on being a social scientist in the Ag industry | GES Colloquium"

USDA to biotech: Call your own compliance
Steven Suppan, July 30, 2019 | The U.S. Department of Agriculture wants agribusiness to sell more genetically engineered (GE) seeds and food products all over the world, as soon as possible. This rule would go beyond already controversial genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to encompass hundreds of new products of new gene and genome editing techniques. The fastest way to do that?...Continue reading "USDA to biotech: Call your own compliance"

GES Center awarded half-million dollar grant to study responsible innovation of food nanotechnology
July 25, 2019 | Khara Grieger and Jennifer Kuzma will lead a two-year, USDA-funded study of responsible innovation of food nanotechnology....
Biotechnology Oversight Gets an Early Make-Over by Trump’s White House and USDA: Part 2 – The USDA-APHIS Rule
Jennifer Kuzma, July 2, 2019 | USDA-APHIS has proposed an oversight process for GE crops that appears to be a significant departure from the current one. This article discusses the features of the proposed new rule, along with its strengths and weaknesses and my recommendations for how it should be amended. ...
Biotechnology Oversight Gets an Early Make-Over by Trump’s White House and USDA: Part 1—The Executive Order
Jennifer Kuzma, June 18, 2019 | Last week, the Trump administration set the tone for its oversight of agricultural biotechnology (ag biotech) through two major actions: 1) Signing the Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products Executive Order; and 2) Proposing a draft rule on the Movement of Certain Genetically Engineered Organisms (GEOs), changing how USDA reviews GE plants....