Paul Enriquez – Defining Genome Editing | GES Colloquium

August 5, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

This talk explores the fundamental question of what genome editing is and ought to mean....

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AgBioFEWS Cohort 3 – Loss and Resiliency in Eastern North Carolina Agriculture | GES Colloquium

August 5, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

Focusing on environmental pressures and changing social dynamics within agriculture, the 2022 AgBioFEWS Fellows reflect on their immersive summer field experience with farming communities in eastern North Carolina....

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Krystal Tsosie – Indigenous data ethics in genomics and health | GES Colloquium

August 5, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

Dr. Krystal Tsosie, Native BioData Consortium and Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow at Arizona State University. Our DNA, our data, our health, our rights: thinking beyond mere inclusion in genomics datasets and thinking about equity and Indigenous data sovereignty....

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Steven Prager – Innovation for Inclusive Agricultural Transformation | GES Colloquium

August 5, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

Understanding inclusive agricultural transformation through the lenses of climate adaptation and labor productivity. ...

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Discussion Session: The Biotechnology Executive Order | GES Colloquium

August 5, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

This Colloquium is dedicated to reviewing the recent Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation released on September 12, 2022....

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Elizabeth Jones – Searching for Ancient DNA: The Use and Abuse of Celebrity | GES Colloquium

August 5, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

Ancient DNA research has a short but sensational history, especially as the birth of the field coincided with the Jurassic Park craze. Find out how celebrity helped shape the science for better or for worse....

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Joe Herkert – Lessons from Engineering Ethics for Genetic Engineering and Society | GES Colloquium

August 5, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

ZOOM MEETING: A discussion of key concepts of engineering ethics scholarship and teaching that might be useful in thinking about ethics in the context of genetic engineering and society....

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Marlene Zuk – Dancing Cockatoos, Silent Sparks and the Future: Writing About Science for the Public | GES Colloquium

August 5, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

Writing about science for the public is fun, and hard, and requires some skills you may not regularly use as a scientist....

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Katie Barnhill-Dilling – Gene Editing for Agriculture in Latin America & the Caribbean | GES Colloquium

August 5, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

A broad overview of the GES Center project (funded by the InterAmerican Development Bank) that has explored the relevant policy and capacity for developing gene edited crops in Latin America and the Caribbean....

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3/29 GES Colloquium Cancelled

January 3, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

Statement regarding cancellation of the upcoming Colloquium on March 29, Panel: Narratives and Storytelling in the Public Communication of Science and Technology...

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Faith Kearns – Getting to the Heart of Science Communication | GES Colloquium

January 3, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

A 21st century guide to communicating science on emotional and contentious topics...

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Florence Wambugu – Pioneering Work in Genetic Engineering of Crops and It’s Adoption in Africa | GES Colloquium

January 3, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

Factors influencing the adoption of GE crops in Africa, and Dr. Wambugu's pioneering work on GE sweetpotato and with the Africa Biofortified Sorghum (ABS) project. ...

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Developing a Research Agenda for BE CCS Crops – AgBioFEWS Cohort 2 Group Project | GES Colloquium

January 3, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

An interdisciplinary agenda to studying the impacts of bioengineered crops for climate change mitigation...

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Chalkboard drawing of colloquium topics: research, communication, ethics, etc.

Welcome Back Lunch | GES Colloquium

January 3, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

The Genetic Engineering and Society Colloquium is a seminar series that brings in speakers to present and stimulate discussion on a variety of topics related to existing and proposed biotechnologies and their place within broader societal changes....

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Jennifer Kuzma and Fred Gould – Ethical Dimensions of CRISPR Applications in Agriculture and the Environment | GES Colloquium

January 3, 2022 | Patti Mulligan

A discussion of the key ethical considerations in the governance of CRISPR technologies for agriculture and the environment, including for gene-edited plants and gene drive organisms....

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