David Berube – Hazard Communication | GES Colloquium
Hazard Communication refers to communication to a limited group of stakeholders and involves three variables: hazard data, dosage data, and exposure data....Continue reading "David Berube – Hazard Communication | GES Colloquium"
Sumit Dhole – The missing ecology in gene drive research | GES Colloquium
GES Fall Colloquium, details forthcoming...Continue reading "Sumit Dhole – The missing ecology in gene drive research | GES Colloquium"
Rubén Rellán-Álvarez – Drinking from the maize diversity firehose | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
A discussion of the current state of native maize varieties breeding; their agricultural importance to maintain food security in developing countries; how researchers are using them to understand maize genetic diversity; and how they can coexist with modern, genetically engineered varieties....Keerti Rathore – Engineering of Cotton Plant as a Safer Source of Protein and to Overcome Competition from Weeds | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
Cotton, the most important natural fiber crop, also produces enough seeds containing ~10 million tons of protein. A broader use of this resource for food and feed is hampered by the presence of toxic gossypol in the seed....Rich Pell – CODEX ENTROPIA: An Experimental Sci-Fi Documentary | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
Screening the 3D anaglyph version of the 9 minute film CODEX ENTROPIA and discussing its implications and creation. (*3D glasses available in Hunt Library, on table across from elevator)...Dan Jenkins on Regulation of Gene-Edited Produce | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
Overview of Pairwise and their mission to build a healthier world through better fruits and vegetables by bringing new varieties to consumers....Continue reading "Dan Jenkins on Regulation of Gene-Edited Produce | GES Colloquium (Zoom)"
Science in the Cabinet: Implications for the Future of Biotech Research and Innovation | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
Hear a panel discussion from 3 experts on the future of biotechnology policy under the Biden administration. Panelists: Jennifer Kuzma, Robert Cook-Deegan, and Dan Levitan....Christopher Cummings – Gene-Edited Food: Trust and Media | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
How we communicate about gene edited food influences trust, acceptance, and regulation....Continue reading "Christopher Cummings – Gene-Edited Food: Trust and Media | GES Colloquium (Zoom)"
Tenku Ruff: Ethics and GES: Exploring the ‘Right Use of Power | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
What steps can we take so our work is carried out in the best interest of all? This talk reviews a framework for scientists and lay people alike. ...AgBioFEWS Cohort 1 Group Project | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
Cohort 1 group project: A reliable public dataset for high-quality analysis of agricultural diversity, productivity, and biotechnology in the US...Continue reading "AgBioFEWS Cohort 1 Group Project | GES Colloquium (Zoom)"
AgBioFEWS Cohort 2 Group Project | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
AgBioFEWS Cohort 2 Group Project - Understanding Biotech Controversy from a Moral Foundations Framework...Continue reading "AgBioFEWS Cohort 2 Group Project | GES Colloquium (Zoom)"
Spring 2021 Virtual Welcome Lunch | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
The Genetic Engineering and Society Colloquium is a seminar series that brings in speakers to present and stimulate discussion on a variety of topics related to existing and proposed biotechnologies and their place within broader societal changes....Continue reading "Spring 2021 Virtual Welcome Lunch | GES Colloquium (Zoom)"