Joseph Gakpo and Modesta Abugu presenting their poster at the ‘International Conference on GMO Analysis and New Genomic Techniques’

Blog: The Challenges of GMO Detection and Traceability in a Globalized Food System

April 7, 2023 | Guest Author

By Joseph Opoku Gakpo and Modesta Abugu | The traceability and detection of biotech foods in a globalized system remain crucial, and while detection methods have improved, many challenges remain, especially for products of new genomic methods like CRISPR....

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Blog: Impressions from the field: biotechnology, scale, and change

April 5, 2023 | Guest Author

By Asa Budnick and Jill Furgurson | Over the summer of 2022, the last cohort of AgBioFEWS graduate students conducted field research in eastern North Carolina, gaining insights into the intersection of biotechnology, farm size, and environmental shifts on farmers....

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