NC State Brings Expertise, Interdisciplinarity to Galapagos Consortium
Deborah Strange, July 29, 2022 | In joining the International Galapagos Science Consortium, NC State bolsters its current research and service on the archipelago....Continue reading "NC State Brings Expertise, Interdisciplinarity to Galapagos Consortium"
Scientific American: Could Genetic Engineering Save the Galápagos?
Campbell first became intrigued by the possibilities of gene drive in 2011, when he sat in on a conference call between biologists at NC State University and officials of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to discuss a possible genetic approach to control a runaway mouse problem on Southeast Farallon Island, about 20 miles west of the California coast, near San Francisco. John Godwin, a North Carolina State neurobiologist who studies animal behavior, had learned of the Farallon issue while skimming the Internet in 2011. He happened to be at a university with an established infrastructure dedicated to experimenting with—and considering the ethical implications of—genetic manipulation....Continue reading "Scientific American: Could Genetic Engineering Save the Galápagos?"