Read "U.S. Regulations for Biotechnology Are Woefully Out of Date" on

Jennifer Kuzma quoted in Slate on biotech regulatory issues

May 3, 2017 | Patti Mulligan

Biotechnology is moving at lightening speed, especially with the advances in genetic engineering and synthetic biology. However, policies and regulations lag far behind, leaving potentially dangerous gaps in classification and oversight. Dr. Jennifer Kuzma, GES...

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Read 'DARPA’s Synthetic Biology Initiatives Could Militarize the Environment' in Slate

Todd Kuiken publishes Slate article discussing concerns with DARPA’s SynBio Initiatives

May 3, 2017 | Patti Mulligan

GES Research Scholar Dr. Todd Kuiken has concerns about DARPA, who’s investments are “bending the entire field of synthetic biology towards military applications.” Will DARPA’s initiatives lead to the militarization of the natural environment?...

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