Dolphin Tank: Team-based innovation competition to win prizes!
Come join us for a team-based competition to develop pitches for biotechnology innovations that are socially responsible. Participants each receive a $30 Amazon gift card, Free Lunch & a chance to win a Wolfpack sweatshirt....Continue reading "Dolphin Tank: Team-based innovation competition to win prizes!"
Sebastián Zarate and Jill Furgurson – 4S 2022 Cholula: Reunion, recuperation, reconfiguration | GES Colloquium
The 2022 Annual 4S conference brought together researchers and practitioners to explore science, technology and innovation across different cultural, economic and social settings....Cami Ryan on being a social scientist in the Ag industry | GES Colloquium
Cami Ryan joins us from Bayer CropScience and explores the challenges of food, technology, and societies through the lens of a “boundary spanning” personal narrative: a social scientist working in the ag industry....Continue reading "Cami Ryan on being a social scientist in the Ag industry | GES Colloquium"