Panel: Edible South -The Cultural Politics of Food and Cuisine | GES Colloquium
AgBioFEWS Cohort 3 Organized Guest Panel with Drs. Marcie Cohen Ferris, Interim Director, Center for the Study of the American South at UNC-Chapel Hill and Michaela DeSoucey, Associate Professor of Sociology at NC State....Continue reading "Panel: Edible South -The Cultural Politics of Food and Cuisine | GES Colloquium"

Joe Herkert – Lessons from Engineering Ethics for Genetic Engineering and Society | GES Colloquium
ZOOM MEETING: A discussion of key concepts of engineering ethics scholarship and teaching that might be useful in thinking about ethics in the context of genetic engineering and society....
Marlene Zuk – Dancing Cockatoos, Silent Sparks and the Future: Writing About Science for the Public | GES Colloquium
Writing about science for the public is fun, and hard, and requires some skills you may not regularly use as a scientist....
Andrea Rissing – Diversification as Landscape Change: Understanding Cropping Trajectories in Eastern North Carolina | GES Colloquium
Preliminary findings from mixed-methods research that investigated why one county in Eastern North Carolina is trending strongly towards diversified cropping systems while its neighboring county is rapidly simplifying....
Katie Barnhill-Dilling – Gene Editing for Agriculture in Latin America & the Caribbean | GES Colloquium
A broad overview of the GES Center project (funded by the InterAmerican Development Bank) that has explored the relevant policy and capacity for developing gene edited crops in Latin America and the Caribbean....
Welcome Back Lunch | GES Colloquium
The Genetic Engineering and Society Colloquium is a seminar series that brings in speakers to present and stimulate discussion on a variety of topics related to existing and proposed biotechnologies and their place within broader societal changes....
AgBioFEWS Cohort 3 – Loss and Resiliency in Eastern North Carolina Agriculture | GES Colloquium
Focusing on environmental pressures and changing social dynamics within agriculture, the 2022 AgBioFEWS Fellows reflect on their immersive summer field experience with farming communities in eastern North Carolina....
Jean Goodwin – What is “Denialism”? | GES Colloquium
What drives polarization on contested issues like GMOs? We'll discuss one potentially surprising factor....Continue reading "Jean Goodwin – What is “Denialism”? | GES Colloquium"

Steven Prager – Innovation for Inclusive Agricultural Transformation | GES Colloquium
Understanding inclusive agricultural transformation through the lenses of climate adaptation and labor productivity. ...
Developing a Research Agenda for BE CCS Crops – AgBioFEWS Cohort 2 Group Project | GES Colloquium
An interdisciplinary agenda to studying the impacts of bioengineered crops for climate change mitigation...
Welcome Back Lunch | GES Colloquium
The Genetic Engineering and Society Colloquium is a seminar series that brings in speakers to present and stimulate discussion on a variety of topics related to existing and proposed biotechnologies and their place within broader societal changes....
Jennifer Kuzma and Fred Gould – Ethical Dimensions of CRISPR Applications in Agriculture and the Environment | GES Colloquium
A discussion of the key ethical considerations in the governance of CRISPR technologies for agriculture and the environment, including for gene-edited plants and gene drive organisms....
Heike Sederoff – Engineered Biology for Engineered Environments | GES Colloquium
Addressing the energy problem of greenhouse agriculture...Continue reading "Heike Sederoff – Engineered Biology for Engineered Environments | GES Colloquium"

Haydar Frangoul – CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing for Sickle Cell Disease and Transfusion Dependent β-Thalassemia | GES Colloquium
A presentation of data on using gene addition and gene editing technology to treat patients with sickle cell disease and transfusion dependent beta thalassemia....