Andrew Pugliese—Influencing USDA Policies Through the Public Comment Process (Virtual) | GES Colloquium
A discussion about the experience of receiving and responding to public comments on proposed regulations...
Andrew Ofstehage—American farmers in the Brazilian Cerrado: A comparative ethnography of the soy boom | GES Colloquium
A look at the farming strategies of two communities of North American farmers in Brazil and how they make sense of thorny subjects such as farmland financialization, genetically-engineered crops, and labor management....
Carolina Torres—Harmonizing SynBio Dialogue with Island Restoration | GES Colloquium
IN PERSON. Synthetic biology offers new hope for the eradication of invasive alien species from islands, a pressing need in the face of the climate crisis and biodiversity loss....
Jennifer Kuzma—Precision Microbiome Engineering: Societal and Ethical Implications | GES Colloquium
IN PERSON. This talk will explore the work of the new NSF-funded Precision Microbiome Engineering Center and the exploration of the social, equity, and ethical implications of engineering microbiomes in indoor spaces....
Xaq Frohlich—Labeling Food Risk and Lifestyle Politics: A Critical History | GES Colloquium
IN PERSON. A history of U.S. food labeling policies and "informational turn" in food politics, and a critical look at debates in recent decades over labeling GMOs, "organic", and other food risks and alternative food movements....
Amarish Yadav—CRISPR/Cas-9-Based Gene Drive To Suppress Agricultural Pests | GES Colloquium
IN PERSON. A discussion about the molecular genetics of homing gene drives disrupting doublesex gene, as well as its potential and challenges in the D. suzukii population control....
Brian Donovan—Does High School Genetics Education Communicate an Essentialist Construal of Gender? | GES Colloquium
IN PERSON. Evidence suggests that high school biology textbooks in the US may reinforce an essentialist construal of gender. Special two-day engagement with the Genetics & Genomics Academy, sponsored by the College of Education and the Kenan Fellows Program for Teacher Leadership...
Daniel Uribe—BioNFTs: Verifiable Biosamples & BioData for training Ethical AI Models in Life Sciences | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
ZOOM. Discover how BioNFTs are revolutionizing the Life Sciences by providing verifiable biosamples and biodata for training ethical AI models...
Amanda Pierce—Exploring Policy and Regulation of Emerging Biotechnologies For Use In Controlling Pest Populations | GES Colloquium
IN PERSON. Discussion of EPA’s role in the regulation of biotechnology and the development of policies and regulations for emerging technologies....
Ross Basset—Moore’s Law, Genetic Engineering and Historical Analogies | GES Colloquium
IN PERSON. A historical examination of Moore's Law, inviting audience comment on its relevance to genetic engineering....
Welcome Back Lunch | GES Colloquium
The Genetic Engineering and Society Colloquium is a seminar series that brings in speakers to present and stimulate discussion on various topics related to existing and proposed biotechnologies and their place within broader societal changes....
GES Colloquium, Fall 2023
The Genetic Engineering and Society Colloquium is a seminar series that brings in speakers to present and stimulate discussion on various topics related to existing and proposed biotechnologies and their place within broader societal changes....
Professional Development Workshop: Weaving Research & Society
The Global One Health Academy, Genetics & Genomics Academy, and GES Center are co-hosting a interdisciplinary professional development workshop on Weaving Research & Society, presented by Katie Barnhill and Erin Seekamp....Continue reading "Professional Development Workshop: Weaving Research & Society"

Professional Development Workshop: Mentoring Skills for Graduate Students
Genetics and Genomics Scholars, AgBioFews, and Global One Health Fellows from all cohorts are invited to participate in monthly professional development workshops. The topic for the February 16th workshop will be Mentoring Skills for Graduate Students...Continue reading "Professional Development Workshop: Mentoring Skills for Graduate Students"

Professional Development Workshop: The Mechanics of Graduate Research
Genetics and Genomics Scholars, AgBioFews, and Global One Health Fellows have joined forces to create this professional development workshop series available to all NC State graduate students. The topic for the January 19th workshop will be The Mechanics of Graduate Research. Refreshments will be served. ...Continue reading "Professional Development Workshop: The Mechanics of Graduate Research"