Blog: The Challenges of GMO Detection and Traceability in a Globalized Food System
By Joseph Opoku Gakpo and Modesta Abugu | The traceability and detection of biotech foods in a globalized system remain crucial, and while detection methods have improved, many challenges remain, especially for products of new genomic methods like CRISPR....Final Presentation of the NCSU/IDB Project on Agricultural Gene Editing in LAC / Presentación Final sobre el Proyecto NCSU/BID sobre Edición Génica aplicada a la Agricultura en ALC
Final results and recommendations from the collaboration between IDB and the GES Center titled “Assessment of the Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Agricultural Gene-editing via CRISPR-based Technologies in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Resultados y recomendaciones finales del estudio titulado “Evaluación del Marco Regulatorio e Institucional para la Agricultura basada en Edición Génica a través de tecnologías CRISPR en América Latina y el Caribe”, producto de la colaboración entre el BID y el Centro GES de Carolina del Norte en los Estados Unidos....
¿Será la edición génica una alternativa de corto plazo para hacer frente a la subida de precios de alimentos?
Gonzalo Muñoz y Mike Jones, March 29, 2022 | La edición génica es la metodología más reciente y por lo tanto es necesario crear nuevos marcos regulatorios, patentes y licenciamientos....
Seed Funding Speeds Growth for TreeCo — an NC State Startup
March 16, 2022 | Just shy of three years ago, Jack Wang and Rodolphe Barrangou — two NC State professors — received support from the Chancellor’s Innovation Fund, a competitive internal seed funding program. Now, their startup TreeCo is thriving....Continue reading "Seed Funding Speeds Growth for TreeCo — an NC State Startup"
Progress Update for the NCSU/IDB Crispr in LAC Project / Reunión de NCSU/BID Proyecto de CRISPR en ALyC
We are excited to share our progress with you about the collaboration between the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) and the Genetic Engineering and Society Center at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, USA) titled “Assessment of the Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Agricultural Gene-editing via CRISPR-based Technologies in Latin America and the Caribbean.” | Estamos muy contentos de compartir con ustedes los avances de nuestro proyecto titulado: “Análisis del Marco Regulatorio e Institucional para la edición génica basada en tecnologías CRISPR para la Agricultura en América Latina y el Caribe” que viene siendo desarrollado en conjunto con el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y el Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Sociedad (Raleigh, EE.UU) de la Universidad Estatal de Carolina del Norte. ...
FUN-CROPS About Research scientists at North Carolina State University are exploring ways to harness plant fungal symbionts – specifically foliar fungal endophytes – to improve crop resistance to stressors such as drought, pests, and pathogens....
A Sterile Solution: How Crispr Could Protect Wild Salmon
Gene-editing technology may prevent escaped farmed salmon from interbreeding with their wild counterparts....Continue reading "A Sterile Solution: How Crispr Could Protect Wild Salmon"

IDB CRISPR in Latin America
CRISPR in Latin America and the Caribbean About Why is it important to study the impact of gene editing in agriculture for the LAC region? Genome editing tools have promised tremendous opportunities in agriculture for...
CRISPR do BID na América Latina
CRISPR na América Latina e Caribe Sobre Por que é importante estudar o impacto da edição de genes na agricultura para a região da América Latina e Caribe? As ferramentas de edição do genoma prometem...
BID CRISPR en América Latina
CRISPR en América Latina y el Caribe Acerca de ¿Por qué es importante estudiar el impacto de la edición genética en agricultura para la región de ALC? Las herramientas de edición genética podrían ofrecer enormes...
Rodolphe Barrangou – Catching up with the CRISPR craze | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
A discussion of the applications and implications of CRISPR-based technologies in Food, Ag, and beyond....Continue reading "Rodolphe Barrangou – Catching up with the CRISPR craze | GES Colloquium (Zoom)"

Does the US public support using gene drives to control agricultural pests?
Mike Jones, Sep. 11, 2019 | The development of gene drives is progressing more rapidly than our understanding of public values towards these technologies. Findings from this research can inform responsible innovation in gene drive development and risk assessment....Continue reading "Does the US public support using gene drives to control agricultural pests?"

Workshop Report on Gene Drive Mice for Biodiversity Protection on Islands
S. Kathleen Barnhill-Dilling, June 24, 2019 | Mice offer an ideal genetic model for exploring the possibility of developing a synthetic gene drive in mammals. As pests, they pose challenges to human health, agricultural yields and storage, and biodiversity, especially on islands where they are not native. If research on gene drives in mice were to progress to a field trial, an island ecosystem would offer an additional level of physical containment. ...Continue reading "Workshop Report on Gene Drive Mice for Biodiversity Protection on Islands"

IUCN Report: Genetic frontiers for conservation – An assessment of synthetic biology and biodiversity conservation
Todd Kuiken, May 9, 2019 | Synthetic biology – altering or redesigning genes to meet human objectives – is a fast-developing field with significant potential impacts on nature conservation, according to the Genetic frontiers for conservation assessment report. So far mostly applied in agriculture and medicine, synthetic biology could have substantial knock-on effects on conservation – including modified genes spreading to non-target species and affecting broader ecosystems, but also benefits such as saving threatened species, reduced fertiliser use or diminished demand for products derived from threatened species....