Workshop: Ethics and Responsible Innovation in STEM
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Our (Possible) Genetic Futures
As crowds poured into Raleigh’s contemporary art museum during the April 2017 art walk, one white wall began to fill with hand-written messages scribbled on neon Post-It notes. Above was a sign: Write down one word describing how you feel about your genetic future....Godwin and Delborne discuss CRISPR and ethics at NC Museum of Science
GES faculty John Godwin and Jason Delborne were at the NC Museum of History on 9.28.17 discussing genetic biocontrol of pest populations, such as CRISPR gene drives to eliminate invasive rodents from islands to protect endangered seabirds. See PowerPoint presentation & livestream video (including slides)....Continue reading "Godwin and Delborne discuss CRISPR and ethics at NC Museum of Science"