Todd Kuiken speaking at iGEM 2017, where he served on the Human Practices committee. Credit: iGEM Foundation and Justin Knight.

EU ruling on gene-edited plants and GMOs is more status quo than disruptive

August 6, 2018 | Todd Kuiken

Prior to the recent European Union ruling regarding gene-edited plants, opponents stoked fears that these new gene editing techniques were a loop-hole for big agricultural companies to release their untested, dangerous GMOs onto an unsuspecting...

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Kuzma Urges a Broader Conversation on Underlying Ethics of Gene Editing Technology

July 19, 2018 | Jennifer Kuzma

Source: Financial Express This Man Rewrites the Genetic Code of Animals By: Aki Ito | July 19, 2018 In this article about Dan Carlson, a scientist bioengineering hornless cattle, Jennifer Kuzma, co-director of the Genetic...

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Publication: Comparative, collaborative, and integrative risk governance for emerging technologies

May 7, 2018 | Patti Mulligan

GES Co-director, Dr. Jennifer Kuzma and affiliated faculty member, Dr. David Berube, have published an article in the journal Environment Systems and Decisions that argues for a risk governance approach to emerging technologies, such as synthetic biology...

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Photo of Dr. Jennifer Kuzma, Co-Director of the GES Center

Jennifer Kuzma on Institute for Emerging Issues First in Future podcast

December 12, 2017 | Patti Mulligan

December 12, 2017 Dr. Jennifer Kuzma speaks with Leslie Boney, Director of the Institute for Emerging Issues (IEI) at NC State on the First in Future podcast. In this pod, Dr. Kuzma discusses gene edited...

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GES Colloquium WordCloud

Gene Drives and Responsible Innovation

December 8, 2017 | Patti Mulligan

It is not often that a new technology is at once hailed as a potential solution to pandemic disease, wildlife conservation and hunger, while also being feared as a potential military and environmental “bioweapon.” Gene drives,...

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Johanna Elsensohn, GES PhD candidate

Scientist to the Senators: Ph.D. Student Johanna Elsensohn

November 21, 2017 | Patti Mulligan

Written by Chelsea Kellner This article originally appeared on CALS News Ph.D. student Johanna Elsensohn understands the importance of intersecting science with policy: During the international Zika virus crisis, she worked with policymakers on one...

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Photo of Dr. Jennifer Kuzma, Co-Director of the GES Center

Politics “Trumps” Science in the Regulation of Genetically Engineered Crops

November 7, 2017 | Jennifer Kuzma

In recent years, the regulatory system for biotechnology products has not kept pace with newer ways of engineering organisms, such as through the use of gene editing like CRISPR-Cas9 systems. Under the Obama administration, progress had been made in clarifying U.S. biotechnology regulations. In January 2017, in the last few days of Obama’s term, several proposals were made for updating agency regulations and guidance documents. In particular, new US USDA regulations were proposed for GE crops. Fast forward ten months, and the Trump administration has pulled this proposed rule back to “start fresh” and reconsider the issue. This is no surprise, as it is not uncommon for new political administrations to recall regulatory policy for biotech. Many industry and academic scientists developing GE crops are pleased to hear about the Trump administration’s recall of USDA proposed regulations....

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Graphic of corn cobs with DNA

Genetic Literacy Project: USDA scraps overhaul of GMO and gene edited crop regulations that biotech advocates viewed as ‘unscientific’

November 7, 2017 | Patti Mulligan

“I think the real reason [for the withdrawal] is that the new proposed rule would have brought more gene-edited crops under its authority,” stated Kuzma. “And this new administration isn’t too fond of regulations in general.”...

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Read "U.S. Regulations for Biotechnology Are Woefully Out of Date" on

Jennifer Kuzma quoted in Slate on biotech regulatory issues

May 3, 2017 | Patti Mulligan

Biotechnology is moving at lightening speed, especially with the advances in genetic engineering and synthetic biology. However, policies and regulations lag far behind, leaving potentially dangerous gaps in classification and oversight. Dr. Jennifer Kuzma, GES...

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June 30, 2016 |

Each student receives a PhD degree in an academic graduate program with a minor in Genetic Engineering and Society. All students take four core IGERT courses, and the full curriculum for each student is customized....

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