Farewell Celebration
Save the date for a farewell celebration for Fred Gould, Sharon Stauffer, and Jason Delborne. By invitation only; details forthcoming. ...
NC State Named a Fulbright Top Producing Institution
NC State has been recognized as one of the universities with the highest number of students, faculty and administrators selected for both the U.S. Fulbright Student and Scholar Programs, including three GES faculty members and an AgBioFEWS Fellow in 2023–24....Continue reading "NC State Named a Fulbright Top Producing Institution"

Delborne Awarded Prestigious AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is pleased to announce that Dr. Jason Delborne, Professor of Science, Policy, and Society in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources and the Genetic Engineering and Society Center, and Dr. Morgan DiCarlo, Dr. William Casola, and Mr. William Murray MNE, North Carolina State University alumni, as members of the 51st class of the Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (STPF) program....Continue reading "Delborne Awarded Prestigious AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship"

NC State University Awarded BioMADE Funding to Advance U.S. Bioindustrial Manufacturing by Educating Future Workers
With a new project funded by BioMADE — led by professor Gary Gilleskie — NC State will help train the workforce needed to advance bioindustrial manufacturing in the U.S....
Two Professors Named 2021 AAAS Fellows
Delborne and Watzin are recognized for their “scientifically and socially distinguished achievements.”...
A Focus on “Intended Consequences” to Drive Conservation Action | Conservation Science and Practice
Press Release, April 15, 2021 | A newly published special issue of Conservation Science and Practice makes the case for rebalancing the risk–benefit equation in conservation....
CALS News – Using Leaf Fungi to Improve Crop Resilience
Mollie Rappe, June 29, 2020 | Jason Delborne, a researcher with the Genetic Engineering and Society Center and the College of Natural Resources, will lead the efforts to assess public opinion and analyze the potential regulatory pathway for techniques to introduce beneficial plant fungi to crops....Continue reading "CALS News – Using Leaf Fungi to Improve Crop Resilience"

Jason Delborne
Jason Delborne Professor and Interim Director of Science, Policy, and Society; University Faculty Scholar; GES Center Executive Committee Member Forestry and Environmental Resources, College of Natural Resources Contact Faculty page: https://cnr.ncsu.edu/directory/jason-delborne | Lab page: https://sites.google.com/ncsu.edu/jason-delborne...
Can Genetic Engineering Save Our Planet’s Biodiversity?
Andrew Moore, June 24, 2019 | Researchers at NC State’s College of Natural Resources — and around the world — are considering ways to employ genetic engineering for conservation....Continue reading "Can Genetic Engineering Save Our Planet’s Biodiversity?"

Workshop Report on Gene Drive Mice for Biodiversity Protection on Islands
S. Kathleen Barnhill-Dilling, June 24, 2019 | Mice offer an ideal genetic model for exploring the possibility of developing a synthetic gene drive in mammals. As pests, they pose challenges to human health, agricultural yields and storage, and biodiversity, especially on islands where they are not native. If research on gene drives in mice were to progress to a field trial, an island ecosystem would offer an additional level of physical containment. ...Continue reading "Workshop Report on Gene Drive Mice for Biodiversity Protection on Islands"

2018-19 University Faculty Scholars Named
NC State’s 2018-19 class of University Faculty Scholars was announced today. These 20 early- and mid-career faculty [including GES Center Executive Committee Member, Jason Delborne] receive this designation due to their significant academic achievements and contributions to NC State through their teaching, research and community engagement....Continue reading "2018-19 University Faculty Scholars Named"

Report: Stakeholder Perspectives on Gene Drive Mice for Biodiversity Protection on Islands
Jason Delborne, February 20, 2019 | This article reviews the current state of gene-editing regulation for crops, illuminating the ways in which technology developers are repeating practices that may lead to the public and ethical failures of the first generation genetically engineered crops, and argues that the contentious socio-political history of genetic engineering will repeat itself for gene editing if these continue....
NC State Receives DARPA Funding to Develop, Test Gene Drive System
For Immediate Release August 3, 2017 John Godwin | 919.513.2936 North Carolina State University researchers have received funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop and test a system that would reduce populations of...Continue reading "NC State Receives DARPA Funding to Develop, Test Gene Drive System"