Sustainable Agri-Food Technology Summit (SAFTS)
About SAFTS May 21, 2024, NC State Plant Sciences Building | USDA-NIFA Funded Workshop Registration coming soon Register now to be part of SAFTS—shaping a sustainable future for agri-food technology. Participant Resources Access to resource...Continue reading "Sustainable Agri-Food Technology Summit (SAFTS)"

Gene Drives in Agriculture: Risk Assessment and Research Prioritization (USDA-NIFA Workshop)
This workshop is hosted by the Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center at NC State and funded by the US Department of Agriculture (Grant No 2020-33522-32269), under the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grant program....
Gene Drives in Agriculture: Risk Assessment and Research Prioritization (USDA-NIFA Workshop)
This workshop is hosted by the Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center at NC State and funded by the US Department of Agriculture (Grant No 2020-33522-32269), under the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grant program....
Gene Drives in Agriculture: Risk Assessment and Research Prioritization (USDA-NIFA Workshop)
This workshop is hosted by the Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center at NC State and funded by the US Department of Agriculture (Grant No 2020-33522-32269), under the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grant program....
A Focus on “Intended Consequences” to Drive Conservation Action | Conservation Science and Practice
Press Release, April 15, 2021 | A newly published special issue of Conservation Science and Practice makes the case for rebalancing the risk–benefit equation in conservation....
Scientists Set a Path for Field Trials of Gene Drive Organisms | Science
Press Release, December 17, 2020 | As genetically engineered organisms ramp up, a multidisciplinary coalition offers a framework for ethical, socially engaged and transparent field practices...Continue reading "Scientists Set a Path for Field Trials of Gene Drive Organisms | Science"

Researchers Recommend More Transparency for Gene-Edited Crops | Science
Press Release, November 19, 2020 | New government regulations for biotechnology will create gaps in oversight of gene-edited crops and the provision of information to consumers....Continue reading "Researchers Recommend More Transparency for Gene-Edited Crops | Science"

Responsible Innovation in Biotechnology: Stakeholder attitudes and implications for research policy | Elementa
Jennifer Kuzma, September 1, 2020 | This article explores attitudes of stakeholders involved in biotechnology towards the Responsible Innovation (RI) framework. ...
Governing evolution – A socioecological comparison of resistance management for Bt crops
Zachary Brown, March 21, 2019 | Cooperative management of pest susceptibility to transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops is pursued worldwide in a variety of forms and to varying degrees of success depending on context. We examine this context using a comparative socioecological analysis of resistance management in Australia, Brazil, India, and the United States. We find that a shared understanding of resistance risks among government regulators, growers, and other actors is critical for effective governance. ...
Procedurally Robust Risk Assessment Framework for Novel Genetically Engineered Organisms and Gene Drives
Jennifer Kuzma, March 8, 2019 | This article reviews the current state of gene-editing regulation for crops, illuminating the ways in which technology developers are repeating practices that may lead to the public and ethical failures of the first generation genetically engineered crops, and argues that the contentious socio-political history of genetic engineering will repeat itself for gene editing if these continue....