Election Day! Vote then watch an old colloquium | GES Colloquium
In lieu of colloquium, we are encouraging everyone to vote today, then if you have some free time you can pick a past colloquium to watch from our video archive. ...Continue reading "Election Day! Vote then watch an old colloquium | GES Colloquium"
Anna Stepanova – Building a synbio toolbox to monitor and control plant hormone activity | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
Dr. Stepanova will talk about her group's efforts to harness the power of synthetic biology and develop new molecular tools to visualize the activity of plant hormones and gain tighter control over spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression....COVID-19 Immunity Passports and DIY Vaccines: A Discussion with Natalie Kofler & Alex Pearlman | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
Two leading experts on bioethics and DIYbio join us to discuss the complex issues surrounding COVID-19 immunity passports and "DIY" vaccines. ...AgBioFEWS – Consolidation and Innovation in AgBiotech | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
Discussion of two questions from current literature review: is it possible to isolate the specific effects of individual GM traits in trends of farming practices; and whether/why blocks exist that prevent useful, translatable research work from making it to application in the field of agbiotech...Continue reading "AgBioFEWS – Consolidation and Innovation in AgBiotech | GES Colloquium (Zoom)"
Owain Edwards – Accelerating evolution: Engineering resilience in corals to elevated sea temperatures | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
Coral bleaching can be prevented by replacing the coral's symbiotic microalgae with strains that have been made more heat tolerant using assisted evolution....CLASSES CANCELLED – Anna Stepanova rescheduled to Nov. 10
Dr. Stepanova rescheduled to Nov. 10...Continue reading "CLASSES CANCELLED – Anna Stepanova rescheduled to Nov. 10"
RaJade Berry James – Cultural Perceptions of GM Foods | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
Regarding Genetically Modified Foods, does historical reality and social skepticism still matter? It depends....Continue reading "RaJade Berry James – Cultural Perceptions of GM Foods | GES Colloquium (Zoom)"