Seed Funding Speeds Growth for TreeCo — an NC State Startup
March 16, 2022 | Just shy of three years ago, Jack Wang and Rodolphe Barrangou — two NC State professors — received support from the Chancellor’s Innovation Fund, a competitive internal seed funding program. Now, their startup TreeCo is thriving....Continue reading "Seed Funding Speeds Growth for TreeCo — an NC State Startup"

FUN-CROPS About Research scientists at North Carolina State University are exploring ways to harness plant fungal symbionts – specifically foliar fungal endophytes – to improve crop resistance to stressors such as drought, pests, and pathogens....
Cultural Beliefs and Stakeholder Affiliation Influence Attitudes Towards Responsible Research and Innovation | Frontiers in Political Science
Jennifer Kuzma, June 24, 2021 | Biotech developers are concerned about the future of gene editing having experienced the contentious history of first-generation GM foods. They have also expressed desires to do better with public engagement in gene-editing innovation. The framework of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) may provide a way forward to act on their desires for greater public legitimacy....
A Focus on “Intended Consequences” to Drive Conservation Action | Conservation Science and Practice
Press Release, April 15, 2021 | A newly published special issue of Conservation Science and Practice makes the case for rebalancing the risk–benefit equation in conservation....
Scientists Set a Path for Field Trials of Gene Drive Organisms | Science
Press Release, December 17, 2020 | As genetically engineered organisms ramp up, a multidisciplinary coalition offers a framework for ethical, socially engaged and transparent field practices...Continue reading "Scientists Set a Path for Field Trials of Gene Drive Organisms | Science"

Researchers Recommend More Transparency for Gene-Edited Crops | Science
Press Release, November 19, 2020 | New government regulations for biotechnology will create gaps in oversight of gene-edited crops and the provision of information to consumers....Continue reading "Researchers Recommend More Transparency for Gene-Edited Crops | Science"

CRISPR do BID na América Latina
CRISPR na América Latina e Caribe Sobre Por que é importante estudar o impacto da edição de genes na agricultura para a região da América Latina e Caribe? As ferramentas de edição do genoma prometem...
BID CRISPR en América Latina
CRISPR en América Latina y el Caribe Acerca de ¿Por qué es importante estudiar el impacto de la edición genética en agricultura para la región de ALC? Las herramientas de edición genética podrían ofrecer enormes...
IDB CRISPR in Latin America
CRISPR in Latin America and the Caribbean About Why is it important to study the impact of gene editing in agriculture for the LAC region? Genome editing tools have promised tremendous opportunities in agriculture for...
Responsible Innovation in Biotechnology: Stakeholder attitudes and implications for research policy | Elementa
Jennifer Kuzma, September 1, 2020 | This article explores attitudes of stakeholders involved in biotechnology towards the Responsible Innovation (RI) framework. ...
Rodolphe Barrangou – Catching up with the CRISPR craze | GES Colloquium (Zoom)
A discussion of the applications and implications of CRISPR-based technologies in Food, Ag, and beyond....Continue reading "Rodolphe Barrangou – Catching up with the CRISPR craze | GES Colloquium (Zoom)"

Genetically modified mosquitoes could be released in Florida and Texas beginning this summer – silver bullet or jumping the gun?
Jennifer Kuzma, June 3, 2020 | Release of GM mosquitoes in Florida is imminent. But a multidisciplinary team of scientists believe that more studies are needed first. They encourage a publicly accessible registry for GM organisms....
Does the US public support using gene drives to control agricultural pests?
Mike Jones, Sep. 11, 2019 | The development of gene drives is progressing more rapidly than our understanding of public values towards these technologies. Findings from this research can inform responsible innovation in gene drive development and risk assessment....Continue reading "Does the US public support using gene drives to control agricultural pests?"

NextGenFood: Innovation You Can Eat – GES Panel: Gene Editing in the Food System
The latest installment in the virtual conference series pioneered by ISGP's "The Forum," #NextGenFood: Innovation You Can Eat is a half-day educational program on food technology and innovation....Continue reading "NextGenFood: Innovation You Can Eat – GES Panel: Gene Editing in the Food System"