Symposium: Integrated Expertise
Forging Integrated Expertise in Graduate Education June 4 – 5, 2018 | Raleigh, North Carolina Keynote Speakers | Laura Regassa | Terri Lomax We live in an interconnected world, with complex problems, emerging technologies, and...
Gene Drives and Responsible Innovation
It is not often that a new technology is at once hailed as a potential solution to pandemic disease, wildlife conservation and hunger, while also being feared as a potential military and environmental “bioweapon.” Gene drives,...
2012-13 Colloquia
Join the Conversation! Colloquium is held Tuesdays at 12pm in the 1911 Building, room 129. Contact Jason Delborne at jadelbor@ncsu.edu for more information....
2013-14 Colloquia
Join the Conversation! Colloquium is held Tuesdays at 12pm in the 1911 Building, room 129. Contact Jason Delborne at jadelbor@ncsu.edu for more information....
2014-15 Colloquia
Join the Conversation! Colloquium is held Tuesdays at 12pm in the 1911 Building, room 129. Contact Jason Delborne at jadelbor@ncsu.edu for more information....
2015-16 Colloquia
Join the Conversation! Colloquium is held Tuesdays at 12pm in the 1911 Building, room 129. Contact Jason Delborne at jadelbor@ncsu.edu for more information....
2016-17 Colloquia
Join the Conversation! Colloquium is held Tuesdays at 12pm in the 1911 Building, room 129. Contact Jason Delborne at jadelbor@ncsu.edu for more information....Workshop: Ethics and Responsible Innovation in STEM
...Continue reading "Workshop: Ethics and Responsible Innovation in STEM"

Politics “Trumps” Science in the Regulation of Genetically Engineered Crops
In recent years, the regulatory system for biotechnology products has not kept pace with newer ways of engineering organisms, such as through the use of gene editing like CRISPR-Cas9 systems. Under the Obama administration, progress had been made in clarifying U.S. biotechnology regulations. In January 2017, in the last few days of Obama’s term, several proposals were made for updating agency regulations and guidance documents. In particular, new US USDA regulations were proposed for GE crops. Fast forward ten months, and the Trump administration has pulled this proposed rule back to “start fresh” and reconsider the issue. This is no surprise, as it is not uncommon for new political administrations to recall regulatory policy for biotech. Many industry and academic scientists developing GE crops are pleased to hear about the Trump administration’s recall of USDA proposed regulations....Continue reading "Politics “Trumps” Science in the Regulation of Genetically Engineered Crops"